The Disordered Eating Behavior You Didn’t Realize You Engage In
Many individuals, especially my dancesport followers & night owls, engage in the disordered eating behavior resembling “restrict & binge” cycles throughout the course of the day without even realizing they are getting caught up in this cycle. If you are an individual who gets caught up in work/teaching dance lessons/training, forgets to eat throughout the day, then gets home later in the day feeling ravenous and eats a large dinner and possibly a range of late night or evening snacks, this video may be useful for you. Take a few minutes to listen to this video in order to help identify if you engage in this disordered behavior, what the detriments are of maintaining this type of cycle, & some suggestions to begin breaking this cycle to support your overall healthy lifestyle & relationship with food.
I hope you find this helpful & would love to hear your questions or feedback on this post or interests for future topics.
-Ricci-Lee Hotz, MS, RDN, LD
A Taste of Health, LLC
“The Dancesport Dietitian”