An Example of What I Eat in a Competition Day As A Dietitian, Pro-Am Teacher, & Professional Competitor

These are some of my go to eating choices on competition days to keep me energized & feeling my best, while minimizing bloating/digestive side effects.

Are there any choices that surprise you?

Please note I also focus on hydrating throughout the day (mostly water and will supplement 1-2x per day with a Pirq electrolyte packet) and will sometimes include either 1 decaf latte or, more likely, a cup of herbal tea earlier in the day. 

Let me know what questions you have about my choices or to support your competition day eating! 

If you are looking for extra support don’t hesitate to reach out 💪🏽🍎

—Ricci-Lee Hotz, MS, RDN, LD

A Taste of Health, LLC

“The Dancesport Dietitian”


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