Nutrition Tips for Chronic Fatigue
Thank you to all of our followers who provided insight into what nutrition information you are interested in gaining more tips about!!
Our take aways from this video about nutrition for chronic fatigue focus on easy options that follow a generally healthy eating lifestyle:
- Consume consistent, balanced meals or snacks every 3-5 hours
- Following a “Mediterranean Style” eating lifestyle with high fiber grains and fruits, lean proteins sources, and healthy fats (eg nuts, seeds, olive oils, etc), and a variety of vegetables. Minimizing added sugar intake and intake of deep fried/high saturated fat foods.
- Stay hydrated!
- Limit excessive alcohol consumption
- Easy to prepare healthy meal and snack ideas include:
- A Handful of mixed nut and no sugar added dried fruit
- Carrots or pita and hummus
- Avocado (can use a basic guac) whole grain toast with an chia seeds
- Easy build bowls- eg using pre shredded/pulled or canned lean meat/fish (eg chicken, tuna, salmon, microwave rice or lentil/quinoa pouches, pre cut greens of choices, and oil and vinegar for flavor.
- Overnight oats with nut butter, seeds, and fruit.
- For ordering food in- try build your own salad or bowl restaurants.
Keep in mind, this is an area of research that is not well studied in nutrition and these recommendations are general based on what information is currently out there. Please consult your doctor or schedule an appointment with myself or a provider for individualized recommendations and support.
Keep an eye out for our next post topic which will be directed toward our dancers!
All the best,
Ricci-Lee Hotz, MS, RDN, LD
A Taste of Health
“The Dancesport Dietitian”
Filmed at Arko Dance Studio