5 Best Workouts for Men in Their 30s- Guest Post
We have a great post this week from guestwriter Jessica Max, the community manager at hydration calculator.She is a fitness writer. She uses her training to help other women strugglingto get fit in mid-life. When not working, Jessica enjoys cycling and swimming.
As you move into your 30s, you might startfeeling as if you need to take better care of the body. The metabolism may notbe as effective as it once was and your hydration needs may vary. If you feel notquite as fit as you’d like to heading into your third decade, then you shoulddo yourself a favor and invest some time in some of the following workouts formen aged 30 and above.
1. EllipticalTraining
Far more affordable and space-effectivethan a lot of your normal training ideas, an elliptical machine can do a lot for your fitness. As you move intoyour 30s, getting or using one of these can help you work your lower musclesand start to feel your leg strength and endurance improving. We highly recommendelliptical training for any man who is struggling to get a regular walkingroutine going.
We suggest that you try and enjoy someelliptical training as an opportunity to get yourself moving. It works a lot ofyour body, but it also particularly good for working on your core strength. Thiscan go a long way to making sure you can begin to see meaningful results as youwork out.
So, why not give it a go? You might justfind that some elliptical training is all that you need. It’s a fine place tostart with for most men in their 30s.
2. StandardPlanks
The plankis also a great place to start for a lot of men, as it works such a richvariety of parts of the body. When you see someone doing a plank, it is easy toassume that it looks simple. However, try and hold that plank position for 30seconds – you might start to feel an incredible burn. If you can do a plankwell, though, you will start to feel the vast physical benefits of doing so.
You will start to feel fitter and stronger,but you will also start to notice that standard planks do a lot for yourbalance. As a guy, you might start to lose some of your original balance as youmove from your 20s into your 30s if you have gotten out of the habit of beingphysically active. Planking is a good way to start working on that problem.Just be sure to hold the form well, and don’t let your center sag down. Manypeople lose the form at their lower back to their posterior, and thus ruin theburn of the exercise and risk injury.
If you want to do this right, then you haveto start making sure that you carry out the workout in a way that is actuallygood for the body and bones. To go alongside the plank exercises you can find55 more from gymequipmentgb.co.ukbelow where they have provided a combination of gym and home focused workouts.
3. Weight-managementWorkouts
The other place we think that you shouldtry to do a lot of work is your weightmanagement. As you age, your metabolism slowsdown and with it your chance to hold off weight gain. That can be a bigproblem for a lot of men, and could have some serious issues on yourself-belief generally. If you worry that this could be the case, then we havesome simple and effective weight management workouts that you can try outtoday.
If you do this properly, then you shouldnotice a near-immediate improvement in the way that you move physically. Theseexercises tend to be built around doing a lot of calorie burning exercises.It’s not so much about building muscle but making sure you can see a genuineimprovement in your physical shape. You should be trying to get exercises thatcan raise your heart rate for around 75-minutes per week, and can leave youfeeling exhausted and tired afterwards.
Weight management workouts, then, are anexcellent place to start if you wish to stay in good shape. Your naturalmetabolism won’t be able to help you do this as easily as you could when youwere younger. As such, this should really make a big difference to your shape,weight, and general mind-set moving forward. **Note nutrition can play a largerole in this process as well, working a dietitian to ensure you are making the healthiestchoices for you.**
4. Balanceand Flexibility Focus
One of the best places to focus with regardto your fitness is balance training.As mentioned above, many guys may start to have balance problems as they ageand this can begin to have a detrimental impact on the way that you train andprepare physically. When that happens, we recommend that you try to payattention to more balance and flexibility based exercises.
For example, yoga is a great choice forimproving flexibility. Yoga is good for improving balance, and tends to giveyou a good lower impact workout to try out if you wish to start seeing a hugeimprovement in your day-to-day physical function. You will start to find thatyou can improve your overall standard of living, your quality of life, and yourgeneral ability to manage and function with improved balanced and flexibility.
By doing these kinds of workouts as you getolder, you quickly reduce the fear of hurting yourself at work, doing an injuryduring a workout, or anything similar. Improve your balance, flexibility andstability, and everything else will become similarly simple!
5. Full BodyStrength Training
Lastly, make sure that you invest some moretime in full body strength training.You should try this out as it tends to give you a bit more variety in the waythat you care for your body, and the sheer physical strength needed for a fullbody workout will keep your fresher and fitter for just about everything elseabove.
A full body strength training regime isbest carried out along a fitness instructor, though, so keep that in mind oryou could push yourself to an unhealthy level!
I hope you enjoyed this guest post and gotsome great workout ideas to get you started! Please remember to check with adoctor before doing any of these exercises. Please let me know if you have anyfeedback or great workout ideas you use!
Wishing you a week of health and wellness,
–Ricci-LeeHotz, MS, RDN
Denver’s Dancing Dietitian
A Taste of Health, LLC
“Improving Quality of life one bite at a time”
Author Bio: Jessicamax is the community manager at hydration calculator.She is a fitness writer. She uses her training to help other women strugglingto get fit in mid-life. When not working, Jessica enjoys cycling and swimming.