5 Things You Need to Know About Dentures
Happy Wellness Wednesday! This week we have a guest post fromMiara Lee about the 5 things you need to know about dentures. We all know howbig of a part our teeth play in normal eating and many times take them for granted.If we get to a point where dentures are required this can significantly affectour eating and nutrition, so it is crucial if you happen to get to a pointwhere you need dentures to know who needs them, what type of dentures areavailable, the potential problems, and some potential solutions that will helpthese issues. Being knowledgeable about dentures can help limit negative effectson your health and nutrition and help make the transition to using them much easier.
Dentures, also referred to as prosthetic teeth, are customdesigned for patients to replace missing or diseased teeth. These prostheticdevices fit snugly and are supported by the surrounding soft tissues and hardtissues of the oralcavity.
Who Needs Dentures and Why?
People with missing teeth require dentures once other formsof treatment have not been successful. Patients with tooth loss caused by periodontaldisease or dentin genesis imperfect a may qualify for partial or completedentures.
Whether or not yourteeth are real, they are crucial to your facial structure. The teeth providesupport to your lips and cheeks for a mouth youthful look. Being completelydevoid of teeth also causes chewing and speaking difficulties among other oralissues.
Types of Dentures
The type of denture used is dependent on the specific needsof the individual; these include partial or complete dentures. Each type ofdenture will be discussed in further detail below.
Partial dentures:This is used when a patient is only missing a few teeth. Patients can choosewhether they would like their dentures to be removable or fixed. It is likelythat a dentist will recommend a fixed partial denture in the form of a crownand bridge arrangement for patients missing one or two teeth.
Complete dentures:This is used when the entire set of teeth on either the lower or upper jawrequires replacement.
There are four types of complete dentures, these include:
• Standard dentures: Used for patientswho are missing their entire teeth. Four appointments are required to have aset of standard dentures.
• Immediate dentures: Also referred to astemporary dentures. They are constructed before the natural teeth areextracted. This denture is inserted post extraction over top of the bleedingsockets to numb any pain. One to two appointments are required to have a set ofimmediate dentures fitted.
• Implant retained dentures: This entailsa titanium screw that is fitted into a hole drilled into the bone that securesthe position of the tooth. Over time, the titanium and bone fuse together andthe implant is exposed. After which, a post thrusts through the gums and isattached to the implant. Implant retained dentures are high in cost but theretention and functionality is much more stable and enhanced.
• Cu-Sil dentures: This type of dentureworks with natural teeth providing suction. It stabilizes loose teeth andextends their lifetime.
• Plastic or porcelain dentures: Thistype of denture is made from plastic or porcelain. There is debate over whichmaterial dentists should use and although porcelain is stronger than plastic,porcelain dentures can wear down natural teeth.
Common ProblemsAssociated with Complete Dentures
It is normal for the mouth to increase salivary secretionswhen a new set of dentures are worn. This is because the brain recognizes themas food. The body will require a bit of time to adjust to this device. Inaddition, patients may experience mouth sores when the dentures rub against theepithelium that lines the mouth cavity. Gagging can also occur due topsychological reason or just an ill-fitting appliance.
You can overcome some of the discomfort or soreness by using a topic gel or cream. To avoid the occurrence of gagging or the appliance not fitting properly, you can use denture adhesive, which allows them to fit securely in the mouth.
Important Factors to Consider When Getting Dentures
When visiting dental clinic for dentures consider thefollowing:
• Support: Thedenturist must use the border molding process to ensure the most supportpossible.
• Stability: Themore in contact the denture base is with the edentulous ridge the better thestability.
• Retention: Toachieve the best retention, the inner surface of the denture base must alignwell with the surface of the underlying mucosa.
Replacing a Set of Dentures
Dentures are not intended to a last a lifetime due tochanges in muscle length and bulk. Visit your Edmonton dental clinic forreplacement every five to seven years.
I hope you enjoy these “need to knows” from our guestblogger and would love to hear your feedback or any other tips you have foundsuccessful in managing a transition to or getting comfortable with dentures!
Wishing you a week of health and wellness,
–Ricci-Lee Hotz, MS, RDN
Denver’s Dancing Dietitian
A Taste of Health, LLC
“Improving Quality of life one bite at a time”